Help Keep the Family Caregiver from Collapse – Family caregivers can suffer the most especially when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or Dementia
The caregiver burden can be detrimental to the well-being of that family caregiver and if not noticed and helped can cause a collapse of that caregiver.
The physical and emotional health of the primary caregiver is critical to optimal care of our loved ones.
Family Caregivers can suffer from increased rates of depression and physical illness and are often prescribed medications at a higher rate than persons not required to be in a care-giving role.
They often collapse from stress because they do not tell anyone about their personal struggles; they are so concerned about the health and well-being and expectations of the one(s) they are caring for.
It can creep up on one if you don’t take the time to make sure that the caregiver is also taking care of themselves.
Using the caregiver burden scale helps determine the amount of burden and will help guide us to the best course of action to help keep the caregiver from collapse and keep the senior getting the best quality of care.
Click on this link to see the scale