How we RATE Assisted Living
How we RATE Assisted Living
Many people ask “How do you rate the care homes that you suggest to clients?”
This is our method.
First Impression
Safety and Cleanliness
Personal Integrity
The overall initial feeling and first impression of the home and its operations when we walk in. Are the staff looking like they are cowed? Or are they going along their routine as they would be if we were not there? Are they trying to ‘show off’ or impress us while we are there neglecting the needs of the residents?
As a main concern we are taking into consideration the lifestyle of the senior and their family. This also includes budget. We will not get them into a home that they will not be able to afford now or later.
Safety and Cleanliness are next. You can have a low budget and be guided to a home that may be a bit older and not as “modern” as a new home but if it is genuinely clean and safe for the person then that works.
The quality and emotional tone of the staff are very important. Can we communicate well with them, can they understand a simple request or are they just answering politely without really knowing or caring about what we want? Do they consider that the residents are people? Or patients? How do they interact with the residents and the owner? These caregiving staff are the ones that will spend the most time with our senior and we need to be able to inspect and interview them as part of the whole process.
The residential atmosphere of the home now. There will inevitably be changes in residency of the home but while we are looking we have to take into consideration the residents that live there now. Are they people that my senior will most likely befriend and be able to get along with? This social aspect is also very important.
Quality is the summation of what is needed and wanted by that family at that time along with a general sense of order. We have been to many homes that are in such disarray that you know it will never change. There is a big since of confusion and disorder and that is not healthy for anyone. WeIwould not suggest a home like that to a family.
Another main aspect and possibly the most important and one for me is my Personal Integrity. We want to make sure that we are improving a condition for this family especially for the senior we are moving into the home. We have to make sure that we can honestly say to ourselves that we have done that. As a rule of thumb we want to treat this family the way that we would want to be treated if this were our loved one. This is the only way that we can consider that we created a successful placement.
Of course, the final decision is up to the family. We are there to help and guide them to the place that will meet their standards, budget and most importantly the needs of the senior.
The ‘Seal of Approval’ only comes once the criteria are met. We can also check the reviews from the Licensing Division of the Dept. of Social Services. This is the part of our state government that is responsible for the licensing of the homes. We periodically review the files of homes to ensure that we are getting the quality we want.
As a Certified Senior Advisor I am obligated to making sure that I do the best that I can to help a senior and their family.
I want to make sure that I am improving a condition for this family especially for the senior we are moving into the home.
This is why I am here.