Alzheimer's & Dementia

Reflexology for Dementia

By October 19, 2018 No Comments

Reflexology for Dementia

The use of holistic therapies has become increasingly common over the last decade .

When a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, not only is it hard to deal with the shock and pain of receiving the diagnosis, there can also be a feeling of helplessness if the family member or health care worker feels that there is nothing he/she can do to relieve the situation.

The use of holistic therapies has become increasingly common over the last decade and they have been applied to a range of health conditions, including dementia.

Using Hand Reflexology on persons with dementia does not cure the illness, but it does allow the family member or caregiver to actively help. Reflexology can play a significant role for both the caregiver and the care recipient. They can help with a range of issues, from easing stress and anxiety, to helping with mood swings and memory issues, and overall increasing quality of life.

The article below will give you some real stories of situations where reflexology has helped tremendously.

The staff of the dementia unit at a Dementia Day Care Center in Israel state that it is a real advantage having a reflexologist at the center to calm down patients.

Instead of having to request intervention when a resident is suffering from serious bouts of anxiety, he or she receives 10 – 20 minutes of hand reflexology; it calms them down, makes them smile and they happily return to the activities at the center.

This is a better solution than medicating!



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