Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

The Activities of Daily Living are a series of basic activities performed by individuals on a daily basis that maintain their quality of life. There are many ADLS, the most popular talked about in senior care are the following 5:

  • Personal hygiene
  • Dressing
  • Eating
  • Maintaining continence
  • Transferring/Mobility

In Assisted Living, the residence get assistance with any ADLS that they cannot perform themselves.


Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)

Instrumental activities of daily living are not necessary for fundamental functioning such as basic needs like eating and bathing, but they are actions and skills that are important in managing day to day life.

They include the following:

  • Cleaning and maintaining the house
  • Managing money
  • Preparing meals
  • Shopping for groceries and necessities
  • Taking prescribed medications
  • Using the telephone or other form of communication

How Can You Use These For Guidance?

Both ADLs and IADLs are great tools to use when determining how an elderly loved is doing. You can easily inspect the above points in their life and see if they may need assistance with any of them.

Assisted Living can help one manage their ADLs. If an elderly loved one is struggling with keeping up their house and managing life alone at home, Assisted Living is a good option to get them in a safe and less stressful environment. Its a place they can still live and manage their daily routines, but have that extra support and care.



If you or someone you know might need help or advice regarding an aging parent or family member.
Call us 949-278-0155
We will set up a time to meet, discuss the needs and direct and guide to improve the situation. 

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